Documentation Components
This documentation uses gatsby with MDX. For MDX there are custom components / plugins added which differ from regular MDX setups. To see how they are used have a look at the source of this page.
Code Tabs
Sibling code blocks are automatically merged into a block with tabs to switch
between them. To prevent two adjacent code blocks from merging, separate them with
the <Break/>
Example of two code blocks merged:
import * as Sentry from "sentry-browser";
// id:
// org-slug:
// slug:
A second example with three code blocks that have file names set:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World\n");
Another code block with different languages for comparison:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Two JavaScript variants where one has an explicit title override:
Code without title:
nolang all alone
No language combined with Python:
no lang
Three code blocks, where the second forced a break from the first (<Break/>
print "I am block 1"
print "I am block 2"
Example usage in a nested structure:
Creation of the SDK (sometimes this is hidden from the user):
CopiedSentry.init({dsn: ''});
echo "Some code outside"
If two blocks share the same language and get merged, they get enumerated:
I am block 1